Possibly the most popular type of coffee in the world, a cappuccino consists of three layers (kind of like a cake). The first is a shot of espresso, then a shot of steamed milk, and finally the barista adds a layer of frothed, foamy milk. This final layer can also be topped with chocolate shavings or powder. Traditionally, Italians consumed this type of coffee at breakfast.
To make an espresso, shoot boiling water under high pressure through finely ground coffee beans and then pour into a tiny mug. Sounds simple right? Well, it’s surprisingly difficult to master. Espressos are the purest coffee experience you can get, and while they’re not for everyone, it can be a truly singular drinking experience when you find a good brew.
A macchiato is a shot of espresso that is then topped off with foamed milk dashed directly into the cup. Although it may sound similar to a cappuccino, it’s usually stronger as there’s no steamed milk added and it’s also smaller, usually served in an espresso-sized cup.
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